Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How Lasers Work

I finally got around removing the copyrighted pictures, and only to find that I can't add audio either, even if I credited it. So this is a silent movie on how lasers work. I don't like the eerie silence, but apparently I can't add any audio unless I get permission.


So here's the video I promised!

(I've had complaints about not being able to see this, including a complaint from myself. So try looking at this here if you still can't see the vid.)

I reckon I might have made mistakes here (I've already noticed a grammatical error, but don't watch it trying to find the mistake ok!), so let me know if they are serious errors! Or, if HORROR OF HORRORS, you can't understand this video at all.

It's the first time I'm trying this out with a video, usually I'll at best give powerpoint presentations. Maybe for the next video I'll record my own voice. Ha ha, but I don't like hearing it through speakers. I always think I sound weird.

Oh, and there's a reason why we sound different through recorded audio! That's because when we speak, we hear ourselves through our head - sound travels through our head to the inner ear, where the sound is detected. When you hear yourself through speakers, the sound waves travel through your ears and into your inner ear.

I digress.

Yesterday, at the Fab Lab in the Institute of Infocomm Research, I was shown how to operate the Epilog laser cutter and engraver. We tried engraving on wood and glass, and some of the Anglo Chinese School (ACS) boys were so fascinated, they wanted to engrave the ACS crest on their mobile phone covers and ipods. Unfortunately we weren't sure the mobile phone cover was of a permitable material to engrave (if it's PVC, it starts emitting poisonous fumes, which we don't want!), and the ipod was a bit costly to use as a testbed. But these are ideas they definitely are going to be keen on trying.

I'll explain more about what Fab Lab is next time. It was funny though, that the students and their teacher were so entrepreneurial, they wanted to start a mini business engraving their classmates' mobile phones.

Ha ha, relying on that strong ACS loyalty, I say!

I, on the other hand, was thinking of getting a slick metal sheet, and engrave my university certificate on it. Man, it costs lots just to get it done outside...

Oh, maybe I have a business plan in my head too... Ha ha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey adelene, remember me, vivien from 00S34. I followed the link on the a-star website and saw that you are heading to stanford as well in a few months. Just thought I will say hello here. :-) You might be interested to know there's a welcome party every year for the incoming class in singapore. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and hopefully I will see you in september.

2:50 AM  
Blogger Female Fizzicist said...

Hey, yeah, of course I remember you! You're in Stanford too?!

5:52 PM  
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5:25 AM  

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