Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Weekend!

I had tried, previously, over the weekend, to post an entry with all my university trip photos, but I had problems loading the photos on the site. So again, that will have to wait a while more.

Spent the weekend trying to give my notebook a new life, reformatting, reinstalling and all that. Only to plug into the internet and have the spyware all load my computer quicker than I could install Windows update. So I decided to reformat my already reformatted notebook, since I couldn't take it - all the junk in my computer!

Oh, but I also got to catch Singapore Gaga, which was an interesting local film. It was funny, really, at least I found it funny. And it was nice to be reminded of how the rest of Singapore views Singapore, and take a step back from all my usual rants about the country. I've only eyes to see one side of it, and one life to experience one version of it, but it was interesting to see what else people saw which I always missed.

Speaking of which, one of the ladies featured was Ms Juanita, whose voice you always hear over the PA system in the MRTs. I had always thought it was some ang-moh speaking.

Oh, you know why there's a need for "Please stand behind the yellow lines"? Other than coz the government says so, and if you don't obey you get fined? And other than the fact that only the cranky people who intend to kill themselves go closer than the yellow line?

Well, actually, it's got a bit of science in it. Physics of fluids, or fluid dynamics. When the train approaches the platform, it drags air along with it, so the air just next to the train moves quicker than elsewhere. According to what's known as the Bernoulli principle, faster moving fluids exert lower pressure. That means, the air pressure just next to the train is lower than anywhere further away from the train.

Ah, what happens then is the pressure difference causes a force to act towards the train. So in other words, when you stand close to the train, you'll feel a force which pushes you towards and onto the train. As you step further away from the train, the force is smaller, since the pressure difference behind and in front of you (it really is the pressure difference causing the force) is smaller.

Now, if you stand too close, you'll experience a force, possibly, large enough to push you against the train. Not too pleasant an experience, I reckon, so don't try this.

As for why the line is where it is, and not further back or front, I don't know! I guess there must be some average, where it becomes safe to stand.

But just wait till the train stops, and approach it. No point risking your life there, it's not as if the train won't wait for you.

Actually, sometimes it doesn't!


Blogger Female Fizzicist said...

Ha ha, that's actually very funny! Maybe we'll end up having those enclosed train tracks (like in underground stations) in every station, because then people really can't try to use the MRT stations as suicide options. Only it's too costly, so at the moment, it's just the SMRT security with whistles and loud voices to catch us lot if we ever get naughty or cranky.

6:43 PM  

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