Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Decisions, Decisions!

I had a chat with a colleague on the bus yesterday, and she was telling me some stories about bad PhD supervisors. Those of the sort who are irresponsible enough to just leave on a sabbatical and not even pre-informing his student. Hmmz... Now, that's scary.

It's one thing I've been thinking about quite a lot, because, after all, if all goes well, I'll be headed off sometime later this year to do my PhD. I'm a bit concerned about the people I'll work with, because while you probably can find a range of projects you are decently interested in, if you can't get along with your supervisor, you're quite done in. Or for that matter, if your supervisor has very different work ethics, values, interests, it can be difficult to work under him too.

A PhD is a long term investment, probably five years on my part, so it's kind of like a short-term marriage. Ok, maybe that's a bad analogy! But well, you get my drift. The last thing I want is to work under someone I can't get along with, who doesn't share the same interest (work-wise, that is) as me. It can be more frustrating than effective. So what if he's some big shot or a Nobel Laureate?! I don't want to torture myself like that.

It's going to be a tough journey to decide on that, I better put in lots of effort to figure this bit out.

At least I've a better inkling of what I don't like to do.

Process of elimination, I say!

Check this out at New Scientist's Technology
blog. Quite cool stuff. You must watch the video on it! It freaked me out a bit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I think PhD is not just about a long term investment, perhaps it is more about the amount of passion lies beneath the soul of a researcher. Working with the best people in the world serves as a boost and a challenge, however, at the end of the day, it all lies in the mind of the researcher to make educational constribution in his/her specialises field for the welfare of mankind.

"...The future may be made up of many factors but where it truly lies is in the hearts and minds of women/men. Your dedication should not be confined for your own gain, but unleashes your passion for our beloved country as well as for the integrity and humanity of mankind..." Li Ka Shing, a successful entrepeneur and philathropist

J.Hae, Research grad. in Structural Engineering

11:42 PM  

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